Sunday, December 11, 2011
You're Staring.

Monday, October 31, 2011
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Dance In A Nutshell
Fly me to the moon
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Expressions of Love
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Girls Camp
Friday, June 3, 2011
Thought Of You
Thursday, June 2, 2011
100 Truths
- I have a hard time not stepping to the beat of the music while shopping at the mall.
- My favorite foods are avocados, havarti cheese, chicken, oranges, peaches, milk, ice cream, bruschetta and lettuce.
- I enjoy being alone.
- I like to climb trees.
- I'm in love with colors.
- I can't stand fast blinking blinkers.
- I use too much toothpaste.
- I take cold showers.
- My patronus is a fox... or a wolf, or a bird, or a coy fish.
- I laugh hardest when I am by myself.
- I'm good running on about 4-5 hours of sleep.
- I don't use a bookmark.
- Other peoples relationships bother me. I don't like hearing about people getting together, and I don't like hearing about people breaking up.
- I hate stores like tai pan and pier 1.
- I love flowers. Even when they die I still love them.
- I'm always needing to pee.
- I have 256 songs from all the Zelda games.
- I am constantly sarcastic.
- I don't like wearing what everybody else is wearing.
- I have weird dreams and I usually remember them all.
- I want to take scissors to my hair and randomly cut.
- I can't wear the color yellow.
- I am easily entertained, but lose interest very quickly.
- I hate fake nails. (sorry)
- When I find a movie I love, I watch it over and over and over again.
- I accidentally swallow my gum a lot.
- I really wish I was a soccer girl.
- When I am typing something, and I notice that I have typed something wrong, I erase everything up to that point in order to fix it.
- I'm usually icing something.
- At night while driving I get super scared when crossing the train tracks and that light shines right in my face I think I am going to die.
- I should probably start doing my hair.
- I've had my life flash before my eyes before, and once it was over I said, "that was it?"
- I hate how people can't get the to, too and two thing. it's just so simple.
- I can't stand how people have to chew their ice cream.
- I set my alarm for 5am and put it on the other side of the room so that when it goes off I have to jump out of my bed and hit the snooze button, just because I love the ringing sound and laying in my bed with a pounding chest.
- I am horrible at parking.
- I adore art museums.
- I have a hard time flying a paper air plane.
- I hardly ever answer my phone.
- I like 25mph roads because it gives me a longer time to think.
- I love the cello.
- I want to be a sexy spy who runs around in heels.
- I am not a big fan of surprises.
- I love the sparkly floors at forever 21.
- If I don't write in my journal I don't sleep well.
- I laugh at people who can't maintain their composure.
- I love shoes, but I like wearing them a whole lot less.
- I love wearing socks outside.
- I know what I want and there aren't many times when I don't get it.
- If I listen to the same artist too many times in a row I get depressed.
- I actually enjoy being stressed out.
- If I could have another piercing I totally would.
- I look best in blues. Particularly royal blue.
- My eyes change color. Along with my hair.
- I like wearing lipstick.
- I wonder how many people have blocked me on Facebook.
- I think my greatest fear may be myself.
- I love wearing my socks outside.
- My favorite season is fall. The next is spring.
- I hate decorations and holiday music.
- I can't stand text that isn't justified.
- I want to write a book someday.
- When I am holding someones hand I have to be underneath.
- I don't like driving with the windows rolled down.
- Toilet paper has to be coming over not under.
- I like floral everything.
- I like turning pages.
- Pearls are my favorite stone.
- I am going to be a manikin when I grow up.
- I like old lady clothes.
- I love to learn.
- Without fail I always type 'birthday' as 'brithday' (you can only imagine the time I had trying to do that one)
- I never got a parking pass.
- I say the word brilliant quite a bit.
- I can't wink. Never ever going to be cool enough. So if I try to wink at you, just laugh.
- Lamps remind me of soap operas.
- I hate automatically flushing toilets. I have to jump up and down in front of them to get them to go off. I just recently found out that there is a button on top.
- I hate people touching my hair. Only a select few can.
- I love red hair.
- I like boys with spiky hair. Those cute fohawks.
- Sleeping is a complete waste of time.
- I'm a true eagle.
- I love the smell of laundry detergent.
- I like taking naps in the grass.
- I'm totally a princess.
- I have a hard time not looking at people in their cars while waiting at a light.
- I have never broke a bone.
- I can't drink milk at other peoples houses. It creeps me out.
- I don't like babies.
- I wake up at 2 in the morning and am really really hungry.
- I like it when people call me by cute pet names.
- My favorite book is Girl With A Pearl Earring.
- Apparently I'm intimidating.
- When I'm walking I like to be reading something.
- I love writing letters. And receiving letters too.
- I don't sleep with a pillow.
- I have never seen lost, the office, or any of your other favorite shows.
- This took more than one day to write.
- I had only two goals for this past school year, and I completed neither of them. Maybe next year you could help me out with them.
- If I could be anyone, it would be hermione granger. Because she is stunning in every way.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
You should probably just laugh
Saturday, May 7, 2011
My Fatal Flaw
Friday, April 29, 2011
A Couple Things

Sunday, April 24, 2011
I Lost My Earring People.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Harry Potter.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
I'm 16.

Monday, March 7, 2011
Just Following The Footsteps
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Damn Bathrooms.
This Is The Plan
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
The Girl in the Mirror
Sunday, February 6, 2011
The Bird Man
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Dreams, Music and My Life.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
The Future Husband
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Welcome to Narnia

Monday, January 24, 2011
Running Across The World Without Shoes.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
I forgot my wand...
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
I Am Poem.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Partners In Crime
Losing a Friend
The people whom you love the most often times take the greatest exit or, maybe it just seems to you as the greatest exit because of their great presence in your life. We all have people who leave us, either forever or just temporarily. Recently like Greit, the main character in Girl With A Pearl Earring, who moved out into the world, my sister did also.
Greit left her sister Agnes, who was also her best friend behind. Though the change could have been temporary and she did not think that she would be leaving her forever, she indeed did. When you leave the protection of your home you leave it forever, stepping out of one world and entering another. The end of the book holds a beautiful paragraph from Greit’s point of view; “When we were children Frans and Agnes and I would throw stones to shatter the thin ice until every sliver had disappeared under the water. It seemed like a long time ago.” She said this after seeing something that triggered a memory. It is comforting to me to think that she still thought about and missed what once was.
Ironically, the same as Greit, my sister left at the first of the week and we didn’t hear from her until the following Sunday. The book said, “Only thieves and children run. And I ran the whole way home.” I inferred that she thought herself to be still a child and ready to come home. But, as I have said before, this was not her home anymore. And though she was indeed ready for a visit, she was no longer a child. She came back more as an adult. In just that one week so much had changed about her. My sister came back the same way. Ready for a visit, but no longer to her home. She came back different. The air about her was stronger and seemed to hold more wisdom than it had when she left. She seemed my superior now, where before we had always been equals. She was still my best friend but there was something that would never be the same between us.
Agnes walked Greit to the edge of town to be able to have a private moment. Their conversation was quiet and is where my favorite quote is found:
When we were alone, I asked her how she was. “Lonely,” she replied, a sad word from a young girl. She had been lively all day but had now grown subdued.
“I’ll come back every Sunday,” I promised. “And perhaps during the week I can come quickly say hello after I’ve gone for the meat or fish.”
“Or I can come and see you when you are out buying things,” she suggested, brightening.
We did manage to meet in the meat hall several times. I was always glad to see her – as long as I was alone. (45)
At the end of my sisters Sunday visit, I walked outside with her to her car. She also asked me how I was, and without realizing until now of how much we copied the above conversation, I said one word. “Lonely”. She then promised me that she would come back every Sunday to see me. She then reminded me that in just a few months time I would be sixteen and driving and it would be much easier for us to see each other during the week. This brightened my mood also. All I can do now is hope that she still is happy to see me every time we meet.
At one point in the book Agnes becomes very sick and ends up dying. This was tragic to me. Greit mentions how nothing would ever be the same in the house where she once lived because Agnes is now gone. She constantly remembers the memories she and her little sister shared. She grieves over the treasure she has lost. Now I have not yet died, nor do I plan to. The only thing that I can see dying is the future memories that I want to have with my sister, as did Greit with Agnes. I hope that will never happen, and Tracy Chevaliers words made me realize that harsh reality of losing something that is so precious like this.