It was the third hour it church. I was almost done. Just one more. I walked into the classroom and saw 'Future Husband' written on the board. So I turned around, and walked out of the room. Don't worry, I decided to go back. Just. The idea of talking about husbands right now? I mean, I have had this lesson a million times, but this time I just didn't want to hear it. So when I went in for the second time, I had my Sudoku book in my hand.
We started off by taking a little quiz. A 'what do you want your man to be like' quiz. The questions were like; What are his special skills? What are his talents/hobbies/interests? What are his physical traits? What is his spiritual preparation like? What kind of education does he have? What are some career goals? Questions like that. Everyone was bent over their papers scribbling down their 'answers' and I was just sitting there. So I started to put down things like; Skills? Good kisser. Physical traits? Tall, dark and handsome. Spiritual preparation? My preference would be he came from heaven, but whatever really. Crap like that. I looked over at Erin's paper and under interests she had, 'in me'. ha. yeah. exactly.
Everyone starting sharing what they put down. He needs to be loving, and happy and supportive. It doesn't matter what he looks like really because it's whats on the inside .... blah blah blah. I decided that no one would really appreciate my joking answers, so I flipped over my paper and started to write something new.
- He likes to do puzzles
- likes to watch me study
- finds me completely fascinating
- loves to go to museums
- loves to go on walks
- likes to read
- easy going (the opposite of me)
- likes to wear sweaters (I love sweaters)
- who I can laugh around
- who I can sing around
- who I can dance around
- who I can eat around
- I can ask him questions
- who will try the tea I drink
- who teaches me how to play his sport
- who teases me about 30% of the time, and the rest he praises me
I think I could keep going. But, I think you get the point. I understood what everyone was saying in the room, I just don't like the idea of husbands yet. I mean, I haven't even ever had a boyfriend. I might just skip it all actually, and go adventuring instead. Maybe you can come. But if I really do have to do all of this, I just want someone that will make me happy. And content. That is all I am really looking for. Is satisfaction.
I would be happy to tag along on the adventuring. Sounds marvelous.