So, we walked into the building, school building that is, me wishing that I could drive, when I heard a mummer of club day. I thought, club day!?! What! So I turned to my friends and said, "But it can't be club day. I am in the Harry Potter club, and I forgot my wand!"
Yes, I am in the Harry Potter club at my school. It's great. Actually it kind of sucks. Unorganized and underdeveloped. Don't get me wrong. I love Harry Potter, in fact I really wish that I was Hermione Granger. Jealous of her actually. However, I got a little sour on the first day when the sorting hat (a.k.a. random picking) sorted me into Gryfinndor. I have always wanted to be in Ravenclaw. I mean, honestly? Whatever. I just have to keep telling myself that it was completely random. It wasn't serious. I am still a true Ravenclaw. No matter what.
Favorite spell: Episkey
Wand: 12 inches, rosewood, a single hair from the tail of a particularly fine male unicorn as the core.
House: Ravenclaw. Is there really any better?
Best classes: Ancient ruins, potions, charms.
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