In Mr. Roaches Honors English class today, after jotting down (as he likes to call it) some Eponym notes, he told us to write a 'quick' I Am poem. He gave us the format and, it actually was pretty quick. I mean, he gave us like just a couple minutes to actually write the poem. Mine, ended up, weird. Sucking. And pretty predictable. I called, I Am. Witty right?
I Am.
I am trying to find a door to another world.
I wonder when I will find it.
I hear the nagging voices surrounding me.
I see the handle in my view.
I want to reach it someday.
I am trying to find a door to another world.
I pretend I am elegant and held together.
I feel trapped and expiring.
I touch the surface of falling.
I worry it will break.
I cry out for help, but can't unearth any.
I feel lost and misunderstood.
I am trying to find a door to another world.
I say that I will find it.
I dream that I will.
I try to imagine what it will be like.
I hope it will show itself to me.
I am trying to find a door to another world.
I know right? Not the best thing ever. And I knew this while I was writing it. Like I would put down a word, thinking, wow this really sucks, and then went on with it. I mean, what is this shit about falling? ... through what?
I noticed the clock edging closer and closer to the end of the class, he wanted everyone to read their poem. I was in the middle of the room, I could make it. I knew I could. we went along, everyone reading. He got to me, and I finished the last 'world' and the bell rang. Honestly. An extra 30 seconds and I wouldn't have had to read mine out loud to the class. Carma or whatever I guess.
So, I was in my Spanish class, sitting in my new seat at the only table in the entire class without one boy, thinking about my little poem. I thought of quite a few things that I should have and definitely could have said instead. Ironically, I still named it: I Am.
I Am.
I am Amelia Pullman.
'I wonder' is the song that I love to sing in the shower.
I hear only the things that I want to hear. Usually.
I see more with contacts in than glasses.
I want pretty much everything.
I am Amelia Pullman.
I pretend I am perfect, when I know that I am not.
I feel my socks and they are bothering me.
I touch a lot of air. My arms are always waving about.
I worry constantly and about everything.
I cry, yes I do.
I feel like there is too much feeling.
I am Amelia Pullman.
I say. More like talk everyones ears off.
I dream more than I actually carry out.
I try my very hardest. Most of the time.
I hope that I will be happy. Just content. Satisfied. Happy.
I am Amelia Pullman.
Now I just wish that I had an extra 30 seconds in Honors English again.
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