Hey. So I have a little problem and I think you might be able to help me. You see. I lost my favorite earring of all time. Like I will never have a more favoritest earring than this one. Here it is.
Yeah. So there it is. I drew that with my artistic skills. See, I have one of them because I frequently wear only one earring. Is that so weird? I honestly don't think so. So, I am only missing one. But, these earrings are not only thee most amazing most beautiful earrings in the world, but they are special because my best friend Eliza gave them to me. And I love them so so ever so much. I feel so awful. For a while I have actually been denying that I am missing one. But, it's time to face this problem. So, if you could look around, and you happen to spot this one earring? Could you return it to me? Because, I need them in my life. Oh yeah, and don't tell Eliza. I don't want her to know. I feel awful as is.
Thanks people. Call me. And lets get this earring back into our lives!
i wont tell, if you don't.