So I pretty much lost my last chance to become a real Queen. The big marriage happened. I watched it on t.v. It was happy. Dang it. But, I kinda have one more chance to become a Princess. Sort of. I mean Prince Harry is kinda old, and most likely has a girlfriend, and lives in London. But, other than that... yeah, most likely not going to happen. Thats ok, they aren't that cute anyways. Like whatever right??
Went to Prom. With Andrew Swenson. I loved it. I was reading my sisters blog, and well, she blogged about it. So, I thought I should too.
Prom: I was waiting around because once you get heels on, you can't exactly do much, when his parents and his sister come in the back door. We are 'old family friends' as my mom likes to call it. So, it was all super cool. Just about two minutes later he comes to the front door with TWO corsages. Two people. He said I got to choose. One was blue, and the other pink. I chose the pink one because it was smaller, but I loved them both. We took some model worthy photos, and were off. For dinner he took me to Gloria's. It was so happy. Amazing. I would go back in a heartbeat. I could have stayed there all day. Lets go? And then we danced. And danced and danced. We went to Jamba, and ended the night with Harry Potter 7. ahh. Andrew knows how to date me. It was a flurry of everything amazing. So, thank you Andrew, for the Prom night of my dreams. Which is just a little twisted. <3
Oh yeah, he wore baby blue.

And I wore an attractive minx.

It was happy.
Prom: 2011
Eliza is moving back. I am really excited. I need her. She is a listener. Its her hobby. I'm not. Thats why I need one. We are going to have the best summer ever.