Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Welcome to Narnia

I was going for the Narnia look. Thats what I was shooting towards, at least. I think I got more of a pirate look. At least that is what everyone said it looked like. I had been watching t.v. and then comes on the what, 14th Narnia trailer? And I saw this girls outfit, and I knew I needed it. Bad. I thought I was going to have to spend the rest of my life trying to find all of the things to make this outfit look like hers. But, I went down and started looking through my closet and I had the entire outfit. Simple. Easy. Whatever. The great search was over. Halloween close enough a couple of minutes ago, but now it seemed too far. Tomorrow? Could I pull this off as a school outfit? Works for me. I wasn't going to wait that long to wear this. I had it now. I was going to wear it the next day.
I woke up, put on the outfit and looked in the mirror. Yeah, no way this is happening. I started to take off my shirt, and for some reason reached into the genie pants pocket. Inside was something I could have expected. The little tag at the end of a tea bag. It had a quote written on it.

So, I left it on. This is who I am. And so, I was proud of it. I didn't really care all day. I had thee most best photographer in the world Erin Davis, take a snapshot of the moment, you know, after we looked up the girl, and tried to imitate her. It was great.

And now... who is next??

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