I personally think that it may have been this commercial that did it for me. I saw it one day, and loved it. I've watched it a million times now. Watch it.
Tell me that all the death eaters aren't driving this car.
A few days ago, I was walking up the stairs from my room to go to school. I take several bags with me for all of the different things I do. (Dance, school, after school stuff... blah blah.) It was a dark morning, and I looked up to see a Dementor hanging its head over the bannister trying to suck out my soul. I squealed, dropped all of my bags and proceeded to fall down all over the stairs in one big hot mess.
I'm perfectly fine now, because the Dementor that was trying to suck out my soul, wasn't actually a Dementor. It was just a black jacket, with its hood expanded in a Dementor sized head fashion. When my dad asked me what happened, I wanted to scream out "Dementor, Dementor!" like Draco does in Book Three. But I didn't. I told him I just fell up the stairs, as per usual.
I was at school this morning, walking up the stairs, concentrating on every single one, as you must while walking up stairs, when I noticed a black form in the corner of my eye. I looked up to see another Dementor. They're everywhere! I turned around abruptly and smashed into the boy behind me who knocked down several girls after that. Only this time I actually did scream out 'Dementor, Dementor!'
Ok, this time the Dementor was a boy wearing a black jacket. But he was coming after me I swear. I'm going to try harder to calm myself down when I see a Dementor. It's a wonder I have any friends at all.
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